Judge Juergen A. Waldick was elected to the Third District Court of Appeals on November 8, 2022, to fill the position previously held by retired Judge Stephen R. Shaw.
Judge Waldick holds college degrees in Criminal Justice and Judicial Administration from Montgomery College and American University in Washington, D.C. He graduated from the Claude W. Pettit College of Law at Ohio Northern University in 1985.
Prior to becoming a judge, Waldick served several terms as the Allen County Prosecutor in Lima, Ohio, having initially been elected to that office in 2004. Judge Waldick has extensive experience as a trial attorney and, as Allen County Prosecutor, oversaw and participated in the prosecution of thousands of felony cases. Judge Waldick also worked in the City of Lima Prosecutor's Office and in the Putnam County Prosecutor's office prior to being appointed as an assistant county prosecutor in Allen County in 1998. Waldick served as the Delphos City Law Director from 1991 to 1996, and was engaged in the private practice of law from 1985 to 2005.
Judge Waldick additionally worked as an adjunct professor of law at Ohio Northern University, served as a faculty member for the National District Attorneys Association's National Advocacy Center, and was a certified instructor for the Ohio Peace Officer's Training Academy. Waldick was also active in the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association, where he held several positions, including that of President.
Judge Waldick has long been involved in community and church related affairs, and has been a member of several service and professional organizations. Judge Waldick was previously a board member of Crime Victims Services in Lima and an Executive Committee Member of the Allen County Republican Party. He has served as a church trustee, was the charter president of the Delphos Optimist Club, and was a coach and co-founder of the Delphos Soccer Association.
Judge Waldick and his wife, Kathy, reside in Marion Township near Delphos. The Waldicks are the parents of five adult children and have seven grandchildren.